Students at Yawarra Community School work towards NSW educational outcomes and content. Staff at Yawarra provide a range of adjustments to teaching, learning and assessment activities for all students to meet their individual learning goals. Students engage in a wide range of learning experiences which aims to challenge their thinking, develop their independence and help them to reach their full potential.
Your child will have an individual Learning Support Plan (LSP) that will be designed in collaboration with a multidisciplinary team. You will meet with your child's teacher at the beginning of Term 1 and Term 3 to design and review your child's learning plan. Ensuring students are working towards purposeful educational goals is imperative. Staff have worked hard to create a process that ensures the planning of individual learning goals are deeply considered, then implemented, monitored and reviewed on a regular basis so that any necessary adjustments can be made.
The impact of the Learning Support Plan process is that it ensures that all students at Yawarra Community School are working towards achieving goals that are meaningful to their learning and that there is a demonstrated commitment within the school community that all students make learning progress.
We also provide additional support programs that foster educational improvements. This includes Communication programs for all students. Communication allows people to satisfy their needs, exercise control within their environment, establish and maintain contact with people, ask questions and comment on experiences. Staff are trained in Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) and basic sign language. Consultation with families and therapist ensure all students have access to an appropriate means of communication.
As a school we are committed to quality education for all students through strong community partnerships and supportive and challenging learning environments that empower our students to succeed, leading to meaningful and connected post school lives.
Other individual plans developed in consultation with families, and if applicable therapists, school counsellor and/or regional staff are:
- Health Care Plans (HCP)- Designed to meet the medical needs of your child to ensure the safety of each student.
- Manual Handling Plans- Some students may also require manual handling plans to support specialised equipment, i.e. wheelchairs or walkers.
- Behaviour Support Plans- Some students may require individualised positive behaviour strategies to assist them to engage in their learning.